We, organisations, collectives and networks committed to the rights of migrant persons and having taken part in the transnational meetings and mobilisations of the March to Brussels, publish this joint communiqué on the occasion of the International Migrants Day. On 18 December, we will demonstrate again globally on International Migrants Day, against a global trend...
Category: PPT/WG Mobilization
[EN/ES/FR] Going forward with our regularization campaign. Celebrating International Migrant Day this Friday December 11th
[EN] On December 18, many organisations will celebrate International Migrant Day at national and city level. This was the date in 1990, when the International Convention on the Rights of all Migrant Workers and their Families was passed at the UN. This year we propose to hold a Europe level celebration online on December 11...
Join the March to Brussels 2022 – Rights! No deaths! (Sept. 30-Oct. 1) – Marcha de Protesta en Bruselas 2022
What is the March to Brussels 2022? The March to Brussels, initiated by the Caravana movements (Basque country and Italy), is now joined by many collectives, organisations, networks and movements from all over Europe to bring a clear message Rights-No Deaths to the center of Europe in Brussels focusing on the continuing spiral of deaths...
[EN/ES/FR] Massacre of Migrant and Refugee people at Europe-Africa border (Communique working group of the 45th session Permanent Peoples Tribunal)
In solidarity with the family of those who have died at the borders of Melilla on June 24 2022 and with those organizing the actions on July 1 in Rabat and in Melilla This massacre in Melilla of 29 persons on Friday June 24th is the latest most visible instance of the unacceptability of Europe’s...
[EN/ES/FR] Migrant Rights Are Human Rights | Forum | 18 December 2021
[EN] Many of our organizations and movements have collaborated and participated in actions and mobilizations over the past year, and in several joint activities over many years in the struggle for the rights of migrant and refugee peoples. We have mobilized against the continuing genocide at the borders, but also against the massive, forced displacement...
European Social Forum MigrationMarch 15th-26th
Self organized activity of European Social Forum We are all migrants and refugees!To migrate and seek refuge is a human right! Future Strategies-Challenging EU migration regime and Building a Pact of Solidarity forfundamental human rights for ALL peoples including migrant and refugee people. As we commit to work for human rights for all, we recognise...
Open the Borders! Stop the War on Migrant and Refugee Peoples!
These are times of massive threat on human life and human rights. We the undersigned bring to your attention the demands which concluded the Brussels Hearing of the 45th Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) in April 2019 even as we strongly protest the continuing policy of militarised securitisation of Europe’s borders.
Peoples Opening Borders and Together Building Solidarity
Peoples Opening Borders and Together Building Solidarity (Spanish below) July 14, 2017 We, as organisations involved (as Co-Convenors of) in the Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) on the Violations with Impunity of the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples launched in Barcelona on July 8th, greet the Caravana Abriendo Fronteras A Melilla((https://abriendofronteras.net/) , (Caravan Opening...
Migrant and Refugee movements and organisations act in solidarity during and beyond the G20
Migrant and Refugee movements and organisations act in solidarity during and beyond the G20 From Berlin and Barcelona to Hamburg, July 5, 2017 The Transnational Migrant Platform Europe (TMP-E) stands in solidarity with the NoG20 coalition. In the current context of multi-faceted crisis (economic, social, political and ecological) the rights of migrants and refugees have...