Migrant and Refugee movements and organisations act in solidarity during and beyond the G20
Migrant and Refugee movements and organisations act in solidarity during and beyond the G20
From Berlin and Barcelona to Hamburg, July 5, 2017
The Transnational Migrant Platform Europe (TMP-E) stands in solidarity with the NoG20 coalition. In the current context of multi-faceted crisis (economic, social, political and ecological) the rights of migrants and refugees have become central in the current political agenda. Also during the G20.
As migrant and refugee organisations and networks, we are taking a strong protagonist role in the defense of our human rights and reclaiming this framework in relation to all the dimensions of our daily realities as migrants and refugees, including especially the impacts and challenges faced by children, youth and women. We have demonstrated our capacity to self-organize not only by risking our lives to cross seas, mountains and deserts, but also by providing analysis and solutions on what forces us to flee our countries of origin – the corporate extractivist economic model, dispossession of livelihood and impoverishment as well as war and climate change. We are also in the forefront of challenging the current rise of racism, islamaphobia and xenophobia and all forms of discrimination.
This week (7-8 July) the Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) in Barcelona will be launched identifying the “chain” of co-responsibility in the entire migration and refugee journey that involves the systematic and widespread violation of human rights with impunity that demand urgent action and access to justice. This PPT session is the latest chapter of a decades long initiative from social movements and civil society organisations that believe in peoples sovereignty and their own capacity to develop new forms of law from below. When the current legal frameworks are incapable or unwilling to ensure justice, the peoples have the responsibility and capacity to develop new proposals.
On July 3rd-4th, migrant-rights organizations along with social movement allies from around the world have convened in Berlin for the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (PGA). During two days, they have reflected on the state of the violations of migrant rights in the different global regions, shared experiences of organizing and strategized for a collective platform at the global level as governments plan to negotiate a Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and regular Migration in 2018.
This shows the current urgency and relevance of the migrant and refugee agenda and the need for coordinated action to make sure that the demands and proposals from migrant and refugees movements and platforms are acknowledged and implemented.
In the last years we have witnessed new forms of action and solidarity. During the massive migrant and refugee movement through the Balkans and continuing in the current context, solidarity networks have acted to facilitate entry to the EU and to address their basic needs. Campaigns are ongoing to end the externalization and militarization of borders, and the criminalization of migrants and refugees.
Solidarity Caravans have also emerged as an effective form of action to make visible the migrant and refugee struggles. Last year in Greece the Caravan Abriendo Fronteras (Opening Borders) successfully reached new constituencies, attracting renewed attention to the situation of migrant and refugees. Now in 2017 (july 19-22) a new Caravan is organized from the Spanish state to Melilla. Meanwhile, preparations are already underway by civil society organisations for the holding of PGA 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco.
As active participant in some of these initiatives, we in the TMP-E acknowledge the importance of exposing the form of Global Governance that the G20 is proposing – one that entrenches the idea of nation-state ruling in conjunction with private and corporate interest, in particular those of transnational corporations.
We very much welcome the activities of public protest being organised in Hamburg during these days. We want to assure you that our work in Barcelona, Berlin and elsewhere goes in the same direction – towards ensuring peoples sovereignty and solidarity above all. We are with you in the inter-/transnational convergence of struggles, protests and resistance in this historical moment.
Further Information:
Jille Belisario
[email protected]
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