European Social Forum MigrationMarch 15th-26th

Self organized activity of European Social Forum

We are all migrants and refugees!
To migrate and seek refuge is a human right!

Future Strategies-Challenging EU migration regime and
Building a Pact of Solidarity forfundamental human rights for ALL peoples including migrant and refugee people.

As we commit to work for human rights for all, we recognise the essential link between the fundamental rights of migrants and refugees and the future of our democracy in Europe. This is a critical moment to further strengthen our resistance  to a racist and militarised Fortress Europe and build a new solidarity at local, national and international level as we strategise our action for system change. During this Public Forum the participants will take up the challenges identified across the Hearings of the 45th Session of the PPT. We come together to discuss with other organisations from Europe and other regions of the world on building together a common Pact towards Transnational solidarity.

Full Program Click English, Español, Português, Français
Moderators Brid Brennan (TNI) and Don Flynn (PPT Hearing London)
Block 1 – Fortress site without human rights for migrant and refugee peoples. PPT45th Session – Key Findings – system crimes, ongoing genocide and widespread practice and policy of militarized securitization, push-back and closed borders a denial of labour and health rights vs a policy of fundamental human rights.
Bloc 2 – Findings of PPT are ongoing and intensifying under conditions of C-19. Challenges and Response from Trade Unions and Labour Movements
Bloc 3 – Next Steps  & Forward Strategies – Resistance and Solidarity
Closing – Poem by Paloma Chen

European Social Forum on Migration

Current pandemic exposed the fragility of an exclusionary political, social and economic system, incapable of protecting human rights of immigrants and refugees. Social and collective movements of civil society organisations calling for a different world at European Social Forum on Migration. It is an opportunity to think collectively from the regional social forums on migrations about the future of humanity and the future of the planet. It is an invitation to think about migrations as central to building a new inclusive and fully ethical framework for a sustainable future with social justice. It is a forum of hope and a call for global action, shared responsibility, and the promotion of universal citizenship for the well-being of the entire human family, the great community of life and of future generations.

List of activities and participation during ESFM by members of the Work Group 45th session of PPT on Human Rights of Migrants and Refugee People

March 11th14 h (Portugal/UK)
15 h
Webinar: Migration and Human Rights. Participants: Flore Murard Yovanovitch (Comitatio Verita e Giustizia per i Nuovi Desaparicidos) and Maren (Stop the Wall Campaign)
March 15th14 h (Portugal/UK)
15 h
Opening ESFM. Participants: Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe, SOC-SAT, Waling Walling, ECVC, PPT
For the program and updates of the ESFM please click here. To register to the forum click here. Guide for the participants click here
March 21st13 h (Portugal/UK)
14 h
Self-managed Activity : We are all Migrants and Refugees. To Migrate or Seek Refuge is a Human Right!
If you are not registered to join the European Social Forum To join the Forum online for this activity click Here for the zoom link
Please Note: Participants that have registered to the European Social Forum on Migration and received a confirmation for their participation will also receive a link for this public Forum.
March 23th14 h (Portugal/UK)
15 h
Convergence Assembly: Economic Rights.
Please Note: Participants that have registered already since the opening of the European Social Forum on Migration and received a confirmation for their participation will also receive a link for this Assembly.
If you have not registered yet click here.
March 23th18 h (Portugal/UK)
19 h
Convergence Assembly: Environmental, Social and Cultural Rights.
lease Note: Participants that have registered already since the opening of the European Social Forum on Migration and received a confirmation for their participation will also receive a link for this Assembly.
If you have not registered yet click here.
March 24th14 h (Portugal/UK)
15 h
Convergence Assembly: Human Rights.
lease Note: Participants that have registered already since the opening of the European Social Forum on Migration and received a confirmation for their participation will also receive a link for this Assembly.
If you have not registered yet click here.
March 24th18 h (Portugal/UK)
19 h
Convergence Assembly: Political Rights.
lease Note: Participants that have registered already since the opening of the European Social Forum on Migration and received a confirmation for their participation will also receive a link for this Assembly.
If you have not registered yet click here.
March 26th14 h (Portugal/UK)
15 h
Final Assembly and Document Approval
lease Note: Participants that have registered already since the opening of the European Social Forum on Migration and received a confirmation for their participation will also receive a link for this Assembly.
If you have not registered yet click here.