What we do and why?

The Transnational Migrant Platform Europe (TMP-E) – based in Amsterdam, NL – responds to the various international, European and national developments that are impacting heavily on the daily lives of the peoples in the South and on migrant and refugee communities in Europe.

Despite the fact that we as migrants and refugees, make an enormous contribution with our work and remittances to the economy and development of our home countries and also to the European economy and society, our working and living conditions have become dramatically worse.

We are confronted with criminalization, racism, discrimination and islamophobia on a daily basis. Especially the undocumented among us are very heavily affected by the daily reality of exclusion, mass raids and deportations.

We have been mobilizing and organizing our communities and intervening actively to reclaim the agenda of migration and development in a context of intensifying impoverishment, particularly in the global South.

These responses are taking place within ongoing political conflicts compounded by a protracted global economic crisis and a series of wars that have resulted in thousands of people making treacherous voyages across the Mediterranean and traversing across the Balkans to reach Europe.

In this situation, the undemocratic suspension of UN Conventions by EU member states has resulted in mounting human rights violations, detentions and deportations.


Reclaiming the agenda of Migration, Development  & Human Rights


‘’Transnational Migrant Platform Europe (TMP-E), was developed as a transnational migrant initiative and response in the context of the unprecedented global economic, financial, food and environmental crises. It was set up in 2008 as a convergence and alliance of several migrant communities from the Global South – Africa, Asia, Latin America, Morocco and Turkey as well as European and international organisations  involved in solidarity, anti-racist and global justice work. TMP-E includes a diversity of migrant organisations and networks – some of whom have worked together for several years and who have developed strategic relations and partnerships in Europe and internationally, as well as in counties of origin.’’

Who is TMP-E?

TMP-E functions as a horizontal  ‘network of networks’ in a democratic framework of co-responsibility. The TMP-E  is jointly anchored by the main co-conveners based in Amsterdam. Activities were initiated and implemented by the co-conveners and shared among the co-conveners during regular meetings. The main lines of Its agenda for its advocacy is formulated during the TMP-E Europe wide Conferences.


Strategic Goals of TMP-E

  • To strengthen the protection of migrant rights in Europe and globally – including undocumented migrants and refugees – particularly at this time of criminalisation, racism and islamophobia.
  • To give visibility to the role of migrants as transnational social  actors in the development of the countries where we live and work, as well as in countries of origin.
  • To contribute to and participate in the development of migrant movements as part of the broad social movement committed to building alternatives to the  current neoliberal paradigm.

Description of institutional structures and consultative processes

The TMP-E Assembly identifies the programme and project priorities for a 1-2 year period. The latest Assem

TMP-E co-conveners/organisations and networks exercise autonomy in pursuing their work programmes. However, TMP-E as a whole undertakes joint work in the following areas:

International Days of Action

  • December 18 (International Migrants Day)
  • March 8 (International Women’s Day)
  • March 19 (International Day against racism and discrimination). National campaigns against racism, discrimination and islamophobia, and promotion of civic and political participation of migrant communities (e.g. local and EU elections).

Furthermore TMP-E is active in national and international fora on migrant issues at various levels:

As member of Global Coalition on Migration (GCM), Migrant Rights International (MRI), Women in Migration Network (http://womeninmigration.org), TMP-E engages at the UNHLD of International Migration and Development, Civil Society Days – Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD)TMP-E is a member of Civil Society International Steering Committee (ISC) of the CSD-GFMD, the People’s Global Action for Migration, Development & Human Rights,

It is also taking part at the World Social Forum on Migration, Asia -Europe Peoples Forum and campaigns such as Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance and GLOBAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE BINDING TREATY ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS