This publication, Building a New Narrative, Migrant and Refugee Peoples: Convergence of Voices and Journeys, brings together diverse and distinct...
Spaces for mobilisation
Asia Europe Peoples Forum (AEPF 13): Migrant & Refugee Peoples in Asia & Europe: Rights and Realities-Strategies and Reflections
[INSCRIPTION] Saturday, May 22, 2021 Amsterdam 12:30 – 14:00 pm (CET), Manila 6:30 PM (PST), New Delhi 4:00 (IST) During...
European Social Forum MigrationMarch 15th-26th

Self organized activity of European Social Forum We are all migrants and refugees!To migrate and seek refuge is a human...
The PPT Judgment on The Human Right to Health of Migrant and Refugee Peoples (Berlin, 23-25 October 2020)
The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal’s Judgment on The Human Right to Health of Migrant and Refugee Peoples (Berlin, 23-25 October 2020)...
Online PUBLIC FORUM Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 18:00 Berlin(CET)

During this Public Forum, the participants will take up the challenges identified across the Hearings of the 45th Session of...

The #MORIA Camp on #Lesvos island was still smouldering from its devastating fire when the #EU Pact on #Migration and...
Living conditions and Health Care in Moria Camp
During the Permanent People Tribunal, we heard about living conditions in Lesbos from people with chronic disease ? : « After the time...
Living conditions and Health Care in Moria Camp
During the #PPT in Berlin the doctor Jessica Horst read us the report about the living conditions and Health Care...
Criminalization of solidarity and of refugees people by Borderline Europe
During the PPT in Berlin, Harold from Borderline Europe told us about the Criminalization of solidarity and of refugees people...
Living under Stress in Germany– Refugees from Flüchtlingsrat Bayern testify
During the #PPTBerlin we’ve been talking about Police violence in Bavaria. Refugees from Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat tell us about their experience...
Jessica Horst member of the vdää : “People should get a better medical treatment, camp like Moria should not exist”
We have interviewed Jessica Horst, doctor in Berlin, member of the vdää – doctors organisation in Germany – about her...
Muhammad al-Kashef from Watch The Med – Alarmphone : “rather than externalizing borders and building walls, UE should be externalizing real solidarity and respect for the human rights”
During the PPT in Berlin, we have interviewed the human rights lawyer Muhammad al-Kashef . He’s a member of Watch The...