This publication, Building a New Narrative, Migrant and Refugee Peoples: Convergence of Voices and Journeys, brings together diverse and distinct elements in the construction of a new Narrative on Migrant and Refugee Peoples. It is the narrative that is being written in the lives and work of migrants and refugees and in their strategies and protagonisms for transformative system change which they are participating in together with social movements and other social and political actors.
It marks a moment of convergence at the Asia Europe Peoples Forum (AEPF 13), in May 2021 – a Round Table that brought together activists, leaders and analysts drawn from migrant and refugee organisations, as well as from social movements, trade unions and from civil society and solidarity organisations. It focuses the perspectives shared there as part of a process of ongoing struggles and engagements and does not aim to be a comprehensive overview.
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Co-Published by: Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe (TMP-E), Mrinal Gore Interactive Centre for Social Justice and Peace in South Asia, Sentro Trade Union, Focus on the Global South, European Coordination La Via Campesina, Migreurop, Waling-Waling Justice 4 all Migrants, Transnational Institute (TNI).
Mumbai – Manila – Amsterdam, June 2021