Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Hearing On the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, BRUSSELS April 9 2019

Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Hearing On the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, BRUSSELS April 9 2019

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Hearing On the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples

on Tuesday 9thApril from 9.00-13.00.
Room ASP 1G2

For information in other languages  and registration please click below 

Information Spanish  and Information French

Register for the hearing and acces to the European Parliament

After eighteen months of work, analysis and evaluation on the violations with impunity of the human rights of migrant and refugee peoples, the 45thSession of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (TPP) will illustrate and presentits concluding Statement at the European Parliament, based on the deliberations and judgments previously adopted.

Between July 2017 and December 2018, in response to the demand of almost 500 migrant and refugee organizations, the TPP held five Hearings: Barcelona (July 2017), Palermo (December 2017), Paris (January 2018), Barcelona (July 2018) and London (November 2018). Each of the Hearings heard the testimonies of women, men and young people who have presented their experiences of systematic violations of their fundamental human rights arising from migration, development, asylum and border policies being implemented by the European Union. The PPT Hearings also heard the reports of several expert witnesses on the issues.

The PPT will nominate a panel of judges who will present the Statement addressed to the European Union authorities as well as advocating proposals to the candidates going forward in the European Parliament Election (May 2019). 

This Hearing is being hosted by the GUE/NGL Group and is open to the participation of all Groups in the EP. It is envisaged as an opportunity for a broad exchange between Parliamentarians, migrant and refugee networks, social movements and civil society organisations. It takes place in a context marked by the crimes at the borders of Europe and in the thousands of dead and disappeared throughout the Mediterranean and Aegean seas, and intensifying criminalisation of solidarity – but also in an engagement of transnational solidarity where alternatives are being forged by migrants, refugees and citizens.

Immediately following the EP Hearing, participants are invited to join in an Action at Station Schumanwhich will engage with the Public and the media – scheduled from 13.30-14.30.

For further information:
Contact English – Jille Belisario, email – [email protected]
Contact Spanish – Jara Henar, email – [email protected]

See also additional information on the 45thSession and the PPT available at:

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