Who we are
The Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe (TMP-E) is a platform set up in 2008 by self-organisations of Migrant and Refugee, communities in several countries in Europe. We had a track record of working together on specific campaigns and in 2008 jointly responded to the then proclaimed EU policy of ‘Zero Tolerance’ for migrants and refugees and to the deteriorating rights context globally.
In our perspective, migration has always been, and will always be, a part of our common history and human development. The current large movement of migrant and refugee peoples is part of peoples’ strategy to live and to achieve our “inalienable human right to human development” and to resist the inequality, exploitation and repression inherent in global capitalism and forced displacement from economic globalization, political persecution, climate change, and war.
In our perspective, migrant and refugee peoples are not mere recipients of policy provisions or solidarity. In their re-claiming of the “inalienable human right to human development” they are taking the construction and defence of their rights in their own hands – not only risking their lives to cross seas, mountains and deserts, but also to demonstrate their capacity to self-organize with a cross community perspective, providing analysis and alternative solutions to the current situation of multiple inter-related crises.
Within this context, of the construction of “sites with rights” and “sites without rights” where mainly migrants and refugees are marginalised, the mission of the TMP-E is to facilitate the self-organisation of migrants and refugees as protagonists of their future, while working in alliance with social movements, other civil society networks and engaged academe to defend their human rights and contribute to moving from a ”Fortress” approach – institutionalising racism, inequality and injustice in Europe towards a just international regime of human rights for all.