
The Permanent Peoples Tribunal was established in 1979, taking the Declaration of Algiers on the Rights of Peoples as a main reference, and it has since held 40 Sessions whose results and judgements are are available here. The PPT is an Opinion Tribunal – which acts independently of States and responds to the requests of communities and peoples whose human rights have been violated. The goal of PPT Sessions is “recovering the authority of the Peoples when the States and the International Bodies failed to protect the right of the Peoples.”

The PPT has its Secretariat at the Lelio & Lisli Basso Issoco Foundation in Rome. For more information please look at the website of the Website PPT

Link to PPT first Hearing on Transnational Corporations in Southern Africa – Aug 2016

Link to the Judgement of the PPT on European Corporations in Latin America (46 Cases and 3 Hearings in 2006-2008-2010)