June 16-18 Hunger & Thirst strike by Aboubakar Soumahoro in Rome

A brief overview of the Hunger and Thirst strike of Abdoubakar Soumahoro on June 16-18 in Rome and an important victory for the undocumented agricultural workers of the USB trade union.

Social Movement Unionism and the Global Uprising Against Poverty Wages

Presentation and Discussion of Annelise Orleck’s pathbreaking book: ‘We Are All Fast-Food Workers Now’ (Beackon Press, 2018). Annelise Orleck is a US Labour historian who has spent two years tracing the new global movement against low pay, to understand it through the stories of workers in the fast-food and garment industries, in hotel, domestic and […]

Hostile Environments and Struggles for Justice

9th of November a stakeholder conference will be held on Hostile Environments and Struggles for Justice to discuss common injustices faced by migrants and citizens in the UK., organised by co-convenors of the of the Permanent Peoples Tribunal session on the Human Rights of Migrants (London, 3-4 November 2018), Waling Waling and the research project ‘ETHOS – […]

Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Hearing On the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, BRUSSELS April 9 2019

The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Hearing On the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, BRUSSELSon Tuesday 9thApril from 9.00-13.00.Room ASP 1G2 For information in other languages  and registration please click below  Information Spanish  and Information French Register for the hearing and acces to the European Parliament After eighteen months of work, analysis and […]

Declaration FMAS on Global Compact on Migration

The coming December 10 and 11th, Head of States and governments under the aegis of UN are invited to adopt in Marrakech the Global Compact for “Safe, Orderly and Regular migration”.

Agreement on an international pact of solidarity and unity of action for the full rights of all migrants and refugees

The People’s Summit for a Global Pact of Solidarity with Migrants and Refugees, women and men, celebrated in Marrakech December 8th and 9th of 2018, hosted by La Via Campesina and its member organizations of the Middle East and North Africa (MeNa) Process, specifically Morocco’s National Federation of the Agricultural Sector (FNSA), along with the […]